Description: The flutter_paystation package allows Flutter developers to seamlessly integrate Paystation payment functionality into their mobile applications. With just a few lines of code, users can incorporate a secure and reliable payment link generation feature within their app.


Easy Integration: Simple API for quick and straightforward integration.

Parameterized Configuration: Configure payment details using parameters such as amount, currency, and merchant information.

Secure Transactions: Utilizes Paystation for secure and PCI-compliant payment processing.

Payment Link Generation: Generates payment links based on provided parameters.

Customizable UI: Offers options to customize the user interface based on the app's design guidelines.

know whether this package might be useful for them.

Getting started

  1. Register as merchant in paystation. link - ""
  2. After successful registration you will get store_name and store_pass in your email from PayStation.
  3. Now add the package paystation_ps in your yaml file.
  4. Provide all the required parameter in PsPaymentButton Class.


successFunction: () async{
yourFunctionAfterSuccessFulPaymnet to make order or request api to save data.

merchantID: "merchant id that you received from PayStation in your email",
storePass:"storepass that you received from PayStation in your email",
textColor: Colors.white,
buttonColor: Colors.deepPurple,
webViewAppBarName: "Aything",
invoiceNumber:"any random num/text",
reference:"any random num/text",
custName:"Customer name",
custPhone:"customer phone",
custEmail:"customer email",
custAddress:"ccustomer address",


