createPlan method

Future<Plan> createPlan(
  1. PlanRequest planRequest, {
  2. String? payPalRequestId,

Creates a plan that defines pricing and billing cycle details for subscriptions.

Parameter planRequest: The create plan request object

Parameter paypalRequestId: The server stores keys for 72 hours.


Future<Plan> createPlan(
  PlanRequest planRequest, {
  String? payPalRequestId,
}) async {
  var url = _payPalHttpClient.getUrl('/v1/billing/plans');

  var headers =
      payPalRequestId != null ? {'PayPal-Request-Id': payPalRequestId} : null;

  var body = jsonEncode(planRequest.toJson());

  var response =
      await, headers: headers, body: body);
  return Plan.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));