updateSubscription method
Updates a subscription which could be in ACTIVE or SUSPENDED status. You can override plan level default attributes by providing customised values for plan path in the patch request.
- You cannot update attributes that have already completed (Example - trial cycles can’t be updated if completed).
- Once overridden, changes to plan resource will not impact subscription.
- Any price update will not impact billing cycles within next 10 days (Applicable only for subscriptions funded by PayPal account).
- billing_info.outstanding_balance. Operations: replace
- custom_id. Operations: add, replace
- plan.billing_cycles[@sequence==n]. pricing_scheme.fixed_price. Operations: add, replace
- plan.billing_cycles[@sequence==n]. pricing_scheme.tiers. Operations: replace
- plan.billing_cycles[@sequence==n].total_cycles. Operations: replace
- plan.payment_preferences.auto_bill_outstanding. Operations: replace
- plan.payment_preferences.payment_failure_threshold. Operations: replace
- plan.taxes.inclusive. Operations: add, replace
- plan.taxes.percentage. Operations: add, replace
- shipping_amount. Operations: add, replace
- start_time. Operations: replace
- subscriber.shipping_address. Operations: add, replace
- subscriber.payment_source (for subscriptions funded by card payments). Operations: replace
Future<void> updateSubscription(
String subscriptionId, List<Patch> patchRequests) async {
var url =
var patchRequest = List.generate(
patchRequests.length, (index) => patchRequests[index].toJson());
var body = jsonEncode(patchRequest);
await _payPalHttpClient.patch(url, body: body);