createProduct method
- ProductRequest request, {
- String? payPalRequestId,
- Prefer? prefer,
Creates a product.
Parameter request: The create product request object
Parameter payPalRequestId: The server stores keys for 6 hours. The API callers can request the times to up to 72 hours by speaking to their Account Manager.
Parameter prefer: 'minimal', The server returns a minimal response to optimize communication between the API caller and the server. A minimal response includes the id, status and HATEOAS links. 'representation', The server returns a complete resource representation, including the current state of the resource.
Future<Product> createProduct(
ProductRequest request, {
String? payPalRequestId,
Prefer? prefer,
}) async {
var uri = _payPalHttpClient.getUrl('/v1/catalogs/products');
var headers = <String, String>{};
if (payPalRequestId != null) {
headers['PayPal-Request-Id'] = payPalRequestId;
if (prefer != null) {
headers['Prefer'] = preferTypeEnumMap[prefer]!;
var body = jsonEncode(request.toJson());
var response =
await, headers: headers, body: body);
return Product.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));