capturePayment method

Future<Order> capturePayment(
  1. String id, {
  2. PaymentSourceToken? paymentSource,
  3. String? payPalRequestId,
  4. String? payPalAuthAssertion,
  5. String? payPalClientMetadataId,
  6. Prefer? prefer,

Captures payment for an order. To successfully capture payment for an order, the buyer must first approve the order or a valid payment_source must be provided in the request. A buyer can approve the order upon being redirected to the rel:approve URL that was returned in the HATEOAS links in the create order response.

Parameter id: The ID of the order for which to authorize.

Parameter paymentSource: The source of payment for the order, which can be a token or a card. Use this object only if you have not redirected the user after order creation to approve the payment. In such cases, the user-selected payment method in the PayPal flow is implicitly used.

Parameter payPalRequestId: The server stores keys for 6 hours. The API callers can request the times to up to 72 hours by speaking to their Account Manager.

Parameter payPalPartnerAttributionId:

Parameter payPalClientMetadataId:

Parameter prefer: 'minimal', The server returns a minimal response to optimize communication between the API caller and the server. A minimal response includes the id, status and HATEOAS links. 'representation', The server returns a complete resource representation, including the current state of the resource.

Parameter payPalAuthAssertion: An API-caller-provided JSON Web Token (JWT) assertion that identifies the merchant. For details, see PayPal-Auth-Assertion.


Future<Order> capturePayment(
  String id, {
  PaymentSourceToken? paymentSource,
  String? payPalRequestId,
  String? payPalAuthAssertion,
  String? payPalClientMetadataId,
  Prefer? prefer,
}) async {
  var uri = _payPalHttpClient.getUrl('/v2/checkout/orders/$id/capture');

  var headers = <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'application/json'};

  if (payPalRequestId != null) {
    headers['PayPal-Request-Id'] = payPalRequestId;

  if (payPalAuthAssertion != null) {
    headers['PayPal-Auth-Assertion'] = payPalAuthAssertion;

  if (payPalClientMetadataId != null) {
    headers['PayPal-Client-Metadata-Id'] = payPalClientMetadataId;

  if (prefer != null) {
    headers['Prefer'] = preferTypeEnumMap[prefer]!;

  var body =
      paymentSource != null ? jsonEncode(paymentSource.toJson()) : null;

  var response =
      await, headers: headers, body: body);
  return Order.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));