pay method

Future<PaymobResponse?> pay({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required String currency,
  3. required String amountInCents,
  4. void onPayment(
    1. PaymobResponse response
  5. required PaymentType paymentType,
  6. List? items,
  7. PaymobBillingData? billingData,

Proceed to pay with only calling this function. Opens a WebView at Paymob redirectedURL to accept user payment info.


Future<PaymobResponse?> pay(
    /// BuildContext for navigation to WebView
    required BuildContext context,

    /// Which Currency you would pay in.
    required String currency,

    /// Payment amount in cents EX: 20000 is an 200 EGP
    required String amountInCents,

    /// Optional Callback if you can use return result of pay function or use this callback
    void Function(PaymobResponse response)? onPayment,
    required PaymentType paymentType,

    /// list of json objects contains the contents of the purchase.
    List? items,

    /// The billing data related to the customer related to this payment.
    PaymobBillingData? billingData}) async {
  if (!_isInitialized) {
    throw Exception('PaymobPayment is not initialized call:`PaymobPayment.instance.initialize`');
  final authToken = await _getAuthToken();
  final orderID = await _addOrder(
    authToken: authToken,
    currency: currency,
    amount: amountInCents,
    items: items ?? [],

  // switch (paymentType) {
  //   case PaymentType.card:
  //     break;

  //   case PaymentType.easypaisa:
  //     break;

  //   case PaymentType.jazzcash:
  //     break;

  //   default:
  //     throw Exception("Please Select a Payment Type in Order to Continue");
  // }
  final purchaseToken = await _getPurchaseToken(
    authToken: authToken,
    currency: currency,
    orderID: orderID,
    paymentType: paymentType,
    amount: amountInCents,
    billingData: billingData ?? PaymobBillingData(),
  if (context.mounted) {
    if (paymentType == PaymentType.card) {
      final response = await
        context: context,
        redirectURL: _iFrameURL + purchaseToken,
        onPayment: onPayment,
      return response;
    } else {
      final response = await
        context: context,
        redirectURL: _mobileAccountiFrame + purchaseToken,
        onPayment: onPayment,
      return response;
  return null;