updateCheckPointStatus static method

Future<void> updateCheckPointStatus(
  1. CheckPointType checkPointType,
  2. String requestID,
  3. CheckPointStatus checkPointStatus,
  4. String transactionID,

Updates checkpoint -param {CheckpointType} checkPointType - type of checkpoint -param {String} requestId - request id -param {CheckPointStatus} checkPointStatus - decision as made by the customer related to the checkpoint {String} transactionID - transaction id


static Future<void> updateCheckPointStatus(
    CheckPointType checkPointType,
    String requestID,
    CheckPointStatus checkPointStatus,
    String transactionID) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod('updateCheckPointStatus', <String, dynamic>{
    'checkPointType': enumToString(checkPointType),
    'requestID': requestID,
    'checkPointStatus': enumToString(checkPointStatus),
    'transactionID': transactionID,
  } catch (e) {