Paulonia Utils

Flutter package with general functions, get environment, get device, get network status, etc.


  • checkNetwork(): Veryfies if there is network connectivity.
  • isOnRelease(): Verifies if the app is running on release.
  • isOnTest(): Verifies if the app is running in a test environment.
  • isOnWeb(): Verifies if the app is running on web
  • isOnIOS(): Verifies if the app is running in iOS
  • supportsAppleSignIn(): Verifies if the app supports Apple Sign In.
  • getGmailProfileUrl(): Get the Gmail profile URL with configurable height and width. Generally used in Google login.
  • getFacebookProfileUrl(): Get the Facebook profile URL with configurable height and width. Generally used in Facebook login.
  • getImageFromUrl(): Get a file image from a url.


This package was made in Paulonia and is used in all Paulonia projects.