updateDifferentTypes method

void updateDifferentTypes(
  1. List<RepoUpdateType> updateTypes, {
  2. List<Id>? ids,
  3. List<Model>? models,

This functions notify in _repositoryStream that are a change in the models in repositoryMap

You can use ids to update a list of ids or you can use models to update a list of models. Is needed the updateTypes list in the order of the ids or models to set the update type in each model.

! Not use this function outside the repositories

In the extended class, this function has to be called always for the models obtained from the database. (like getFromId)


void updateDifferentTypes(List<RepoUpdateType> updateTypes,
    {List<Id>? ids, List<Model>? models}) {
  if (ids == null && models == null) return;
  List<RepoUpdate> updates = [];
  for (int i = 0; i < updateTypes.length; i++) {
    if (ids != null) {
        modelId: ids[i],
        type: updateTypes[i],
    } else {
        modelId: models![i].id,
        type: updateTypes[i],
  _repositoryStream.add(updates as List<RepoUpdate<Id>>);