getFromIdList method

Future<List<Model>> getFromIdList(
  1. List<Id> idList, {
  2. bool cache = false,
  3. bool refreshRepoData = false,
  4. bool notify = false,

Gets a model list from an id list

This function verifies what models are in repositoryMap. Those that are not in repositoryMap are obtained from the database. The function splits the list in mini list of FirestoreConstants.ARRAY_QUERIES_ITEM_LIMIT of size and use _getFromIdList() for get the models

  • Set cache to true to get the model from the cache of the database
  • Set refreshRepoData to always get the data from the database and rewrite it into repositoryMap
  • Set notify to call _update() function and notify to all listener that is a change in repositoryMap in all models that are obtained from the database.


Future<List<Model>> getFromIdList(
  List<Id> idList, {
  bool cache = false,
  bool refreshRepoData = false,
  bool notify = false,
}) async {
  List<Id> _idList = [];
  List<Model> res = [];
  if (!refreshRepoData) {
    Model? modelRes;
    for (Id id in idList) {
      modelRes = repositoryMap[id];
      if (modelRes != null)
  } else
    _idList = idList;
  List<Model> newModels = [];
  if (_idList.length <= PauloniaRepoConstants.ARRAY_QUERIES_ITEM_LIMIT) {
    newModels.addAll((await _getFromIdList(_idList, cache: cache)) ?? []);
    if (_idList.isNotEmpty && notify)
      update(RepoUpdateType.get, ids: _idList);
    return res;
  int start = 0;
  int end = PauloniaRepoConstants.ARRAY_QUERIES_ITEM_LIMIT;
  while (true) {
    if (end > _idList.length) end = _idList.length;
    if (end == start) break;
    newModels.addAll((await _getFromIdList(
            _idList.getRange(start, end).toList(),
            cache: cache)) ??
    start = end;
    end += PauloniaRepoConstants.ARRAY_QUERIES_ITEM_LIMIT;
  if (_idList.isNotEmpty && notify) update(RepoUpdateType.get, ids: _idList);
  return res;