getFromId method

Future<Model?> getFromId(
  1. Id id, {
  2. bool cache = false,
  3. bool refreshRepoData = false,
  4. bool notify = false,

Gets a model from id

This function returns the model if is in repositoryMap. If not, then it gets the model from the database and stores it into repositoryMap

  • Set cache to true to get the model from the cache of the database.
  • Set refreshRepoData to always get the data from the database and rewrite it into repositoryMap
  • Set notify to call _update() function and notify to all listener that is a change in the model with id in repositoryMap. This is only when the model is obtained from the database and estored in repositoryMap.


Future<Model?> getFromId(
  Id id, {
  bool cache = false,
  bool refreshRepoData = false,
  bool notify = false,
}) async {
  if (!refreshRepoData) {
    Model? res = repositoryMap[id];
    if (res != null) return res;
  Query query =
      collectionReference!.where(FieldPath.documentId, isEqualTo: id);
  QuerySnapshot? queryRes =
      await PauloniaDocumentService.runQuery(query, cache);
  if (queryRes == null || return null;
  Model res = (await getFromDocSnapList(;
  repositoryMap[id] = res;
  if (notify) update(RepoUpdateType.get, ids: [id]);
  return res;