runQuery static method

Future<QuerySnapshot<Object?>?> runQuery(
  1. Query<Object?> query,
  2. bool cache, {
  3. bool forceServer = false,

Get a query snapshot from a query

This function verifies if there is network. If there is, it gets the documents from the server, otherwise it gets the documents from cache.

Set cache to true to force get the documents from cache Set forceServer to true to force get the documents from server. If there is not network, it returns null.


static Future<QuerySnapshot?> runQuery(Query query, bool cache,
    {bool forceServer = false}) async {
  try {
    if (PUtils.isOnTest()) return query.get();
    Source source = Source.serverAndCache;
    bool networkFlag = await PUtils.checkNetwork();
    if (cache || !networkFlag) {
      if (forceServer && !cache) return null;
      source = Source.cache;
    return await query.get(GetOptions(source: source));
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.runtimeType == PlatformException && cache)
      return runQuery(query, false);
    throw (error);