paintWithPattern method

void paintWithPattern(
  1. Canvas canvas,
  2. double x,
  3. double y,
  4. double width,
  5. double height,

After clipping the canvas to the shape we want, paint the Pattern on the rectangle defined by the provided x, y, width, height.


void paintWithPattern(
    Canvas canvas, double x, double y, double width, double height) {
  final stripesCount = featuresCount;
  final maxDimension = max(width, height);
  final stripeW = maxDimension / stripesCount / 2;
  final paint = Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill
    ..color = bgColor;
  canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTWH(x, y, width, height), paint);
  final rectStripesCount =
      stripesCount * 2.5; // to make sure we cover the whole rectangle;
  var step = stripeW * 3;
  final allStripesPath = Path();
  for (var i = 1; i < rectStripesCount; i += 2) {
    final stripePath = Path();
    stripePath.moveTo(x - stripeW + step, y);
    stripePath.lineTo(x + step, y);
    stripePath.lineTo(x, y + step);
    stripePath.lineTo(x - stripeW, y + step);
    step += stripeW * 3;
  paint = PaintingStyle.fill
    ..color = fgColor;
  canvas.drawPath(allStripesPath, paint);