
patrol_finders on codestyle

patrol_finders is a streamlined, high-level API on top of flutter_test.

It provides a new custom finder system to make Flutter widget tests more concise and understandable, and writing them – faster and more fun.


$ dart pub add patrol_finders --dev


Read our docs to learn more.

Custom finders

import 'package:example/main.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:patrol_finders/patrol_finders.dart';

void main() {
    'logs in successfully',
    ($) async {
      await $.pumpWidgetAndSettle(const ExampleApp());

      /// Finds widget with Key('emailInput') and enters text into it
      await $(#emailInput).enterText('');

      /// Finds widget with Key('passwordInput') and enters text into it
      await $(#passwordInput).enterText('ny4ncat');

      // Finds all widgets with text 'Log in' which are descendants of widgets
      // with Key('box1'), which are descendants of a Scaffold widget, and taps
      // on the first 'Log in' text.
      await $(Scaffold).$(#box1).$('Log in').tap();

      // Finds all Scrollables which have Text descendant, and taps on the first
      // Scrollable
      await $(Scrollable).containing(Text).tap();

      // Finds all Scrollables which have ElevatedButton descendant and Text
      // descendant, and taps on the first Scrollable
      await $(Scrollable).containing(ElevatedButton).containing(Text).tap();

      // Finds all Scrollables which have TextButton descendant which has Text
      // descendant, and taps on the first Scrollabke
      await $(Scrollable).containing($(TextButton).$(Text)).tap();

