waitUntilVisible method

Future<PatrolFinder> waitUntilVisible(
  1. Finder finder, {
  2. Duration? timeout,

Waits until finder finds at least one visible widget.

Throws a WaitUntilVisibleTimeoutException if more time than specified by the timeout passed and no widgets were found.

Timeout is globally set by PatrolTester.config.visibleTimeout. If you want to override this global setting, set timeout.


Future<PatrolFinder> waitUntilVisible(
  Finder finder, {
  Duration? timeout,
}) {
  return TestAsyncUtils.guard(() async {
    final duration = timeout ?? config.visibleTimeout;
    final end = tester.binding.clock.now().add(duration);
    final hitTestableFinder = finder.hitTestable();
    while (hitTestableFinder.evaluate().isEmpty) {
      final now = tester.binding.clock.now();
      if (now.isAfter(end)) {
        throw WaitUntilVisibleTimeoutException(
          finder: finder,
          duration: duration,

      await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));

    return PatrolFinder(finder: hitTestableFinder, tester: this);