tokensToRegExp function

RegExp tokensToRegExp(
  1. List<Token> tokens, {
  2. bool prefix = false,
  3. bool caseSensitive = true,

Creates a RegExp from tokens.

If prefix is true, the returned regular expression matches the beginning of input until a delimiter or end of input. Otherwise it matches the entire input.

The returned regular expression respects caseSensitive, which is true by default.


RegExp tokensToRegExp(
  List<Token> tokens, {
  bool prefix = false,
  bool caseSensitive = true,
}) {
  final buffer = StringBuffer('^');
  String? lastPattern;
  for (final token in tokens) {
    lastPattern = token.toPattern();
  if (!prefix) {
  } else if (lastPattern != null && !lastPattern.endsWith('/')) {
    // Match until a delimiter or end of input, unless
    //  (a) there are no tokens (matching the empty string), or
    //  (b) the last token itself ends in a delimiter
    // in which case, anything may follow.
  return RegExp(buffer.toString(), caseSensitive: caseSensitive);