PathIconData.sanitized constructor

  1. required Path path,
  2. Rect? viewBox,
  3. PathFillType? fillType,

Create data from the given path.

If no viewBox is provided, then the bounds of the path are used and the path is translated at origin.

A fillType can override the given path's one.


factory PathIconData.sanitized({
  required Path path,
  Rect? viewBox,
  PathFillType? fillType,
}) {
  final bounds = path.getBounds();

  if (viewBox == null) {
    path = Path()..addPath(path, -bounds.topLeft);
    if (fillType != null) {
      path.fillType = fillType;
  } else if (fillType != null) {
    path = Path()..addPath(path,;
    path.fillType = fillType;

  return PathIconData(
    viewBox: viewBox ?? ( & bounds.size),
    path: path,