validationRules property

List<ValidationRule> validationRules

A list of all rules to apply to this PasswordPolicy

A rule could be one of the following default ones: DigitRule, LengthRule, LowerCaseRule, UpperCaseRule, SpecialCharacterRule, NoSpaceRule.

Or you can create your own rule by extending the ValidationRule class.

Example rule that checks if password contains the string "1026":

class Contain1026Rule extends ValidationRule {
  Contain1026Rule() : super(
    impact: 1,
    mandatory: true,
    name: "Milvintsiss",

  double computeRuleScore(String password) {
    if (password.contains("1026"))
      return 1.0;

    return 0.0;


final List<ValidationRule> validationRules;