checkStrength method

double checkStrength()

An extension on the String type to make you able to check the strength of any string without the need to initialize the PasswordGenerator class.

The extension returns the entropy of the string provided, the bigger the entropy the stronger the string.

The entropy gets calculated considering the string length, how many capital letters it contains, how many small letters it contains, how many numbers it contains and how many symbols it contains.

Ranges Are:

More than or equal to 128: Extremely Strong.

More than or equal to 60: Very Strong.

More than or equal to 36: Strong.

More than or equal to 28: Ok.

More than or equal to 18: Weak.

Less than 18: Extremely Weak.


final double _entropy = _password.checkStrength();

  if (_entropy >= 128) {
    print('Extremely Strong.');
  } else if (_entropy >= 60) {
    print('Very Strong.');
  } else if (_entropy >= 36) {
  } else if (_entropy >= 28) {
  } else if (_entropy >= 18) {
  } else {
    print('Extremely Weak.');


double checkStrength() {
  if (this != null) {
    if (this!.isNotEmpty) {
      int _pool = 0,
          _smallLettersCount = 0,
          _capitalLettersCount = 0,
          _numbersCount = 0,
          _symbolsCount = 0;

      for (int i in this!.runes) {
        if (capitalLetters.runes.contains(i)) {
          _capitalLettersCount += 1;

        if (smallLetters.runes.contains(i)) {
          _smallLettersCount += 1;

        if (numbers.runes.contains(i)) {
          _numbersCount += 1;

        if (symbols.runes.contains(i)) {
          _symbolsCount += 1;

      if (_smallLettersCount > 0) {
        _pool += 26;

      if (_capitalLettersCount > 0) {
        _pool += 26;

      if (_numbersCount > 0) {
        _pool += 10;

      if (_symbolsCount > 0) {
        _pool += 32;

      int _length = _smallLettersCount +
          _capitalLettersCount +
          _numbersCount +

      var _entropy = _length * _math.log(_pool) / _math.log(2);

      if (_pool > 0) {
        return _entropy;

  return 0;