types library

Exceptions / Errors

Used as a base exception for all authenticator exceptions thrown by this package.
This exception is thrown when the user tries to login but is not logged in to a Google account on his device. Being logged in to a Google account is mandatory for passkeys to work on Android devices.
This exception is thrown when the user tries to login but is not logged in to a Google account on his device. Being logged in to a Google account is mandatory for passkeys to work on Android devices.
Thrown when the user cancels the passkey flow.
This exception is thrown when the passkey can not be retrieved from the entity that is used for passkey syncing. Currently this error is observed when testing on Android emulators. In these cases you need to restart the emulator using the 'Cold Boot Now' option.
This exception is thrown when an exception is thrown by the authenticator that we do not handle so far in this package.