EvmService class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

createTransaction(String from, String data, BigInt value, String to, {GasFeeLevel gasFeeLevel = GasFeeLevel.high}) Future<String>
Create transaction
customMethod(String contractAddress, String customMethod, List<Object> parameters, String? abiJsonString) Future<String>
Request contact method.
erc1155SafeTransferFrom(String contractAddress, String sender, String to, String tokenId, String amount, String data) Future<String>
Request data when send erc1155 nft.
erc20Approve(String contractAddress, String spender, BigInt amount) Future<String>
Request data when send erc20 approve. contractAddress is token contract address.
erc20Transfer(String contractAddress, String sender, BigInt amount) Future<String>
Request data when send erc20 token.
erc20TransferFrom(String contractAddress, String from, String to, BigInt amount) Future<String>
Request data when execute erc20 transferFrom. contractAddress is token contract address.
erc721SafeTransferFrom(String contractAddress, String sender, String to, String tokenId) Future<String>
Request data when send erc721 nft.
ethEstimateGas(String from, String? to, String value, String data) Future<String>
call eth_estimateGas, get gasLimit
getNFTs(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get nfts
getPrice(List<String> tokenAddresses, List<String> currencies) Future
Get token price,
getSmartAccount(List<SmartAccountConfig> smartAccountConfigList) Future<List>
Get smart account
getTokenByTokenAddresses(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get token by token addresses
getTokens(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get tokens
getTokensAndNFTs(String address, List<String> tokenAddresses) Future
Get tokens and nfts
getTransactionsByAddress(String address) Future
Get transacions
readContract(String address, BigInt value, String contractAddress, String methodName, List<Object> parameters, String abiJsonString) Future
Read contract
rpc(String method, List params) Future
Request rpc
suggestedGasFees() Future
Get suggesst fee return value unit is GWEI
writeContract(String address, BigInt value, String contractAddress, String methodName, List<Object> parameters, String abiJsonString, {GasFeeLevel gasFeeLevel = GasFeeLevel.high}) Future<String>
Write contract, get transaction