batchSendTransactions static method

Future<String> batchSendTransactions(
  1. List<String> transactions, {
  2. AAFeeMode? feeMode,

Batch send transactions

transactions transactions you want to sign and send.

feeMode is optional, works with aa service.

Result signature or error.


static Future<String> batchSendTransactions(List<String> transactions,
    {AAFeeMode? feeMode}) async {
  final json =
      jsonEncode({"transactions": transactions, "fee_mode": feeMode});
  final result = await _channel.invokeMethod('evmBatchSendTransactions', json);
  if (jsonDecode(result)["status"] == true ||
      jsonDecode(result)["status"] == 1) {
    final signature = jsonDecode(result)["data"] as String;
    return signature;
  } else {
    final error = RpcError.fromJson(jsonDecode(result)["data"]);
    return Future.error(error);