build method

  1. @override
String build(
  1. Context context,
  2. ParserResult? result


String build(Context context, ParserResult? result) {
  if (table.isEmpty) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        table, 'table', 'The map of tags must not be empty: $this');

  context.refersToStateSource = true;
  final fast = result == null;
  final values = <String, String>{};
  final map = <int, List<String>>{};
  for (final tag in table.keys) {
    if (tag.isEmpty) {
      throw ArgumentError.value(
          table, 'table', 'The map of tags must not contain empty tags');

    final value = table[tag];
    if (value == null) {
      throw ArgumentError.value(
          table, 'table', 'The map of tags must not contain null values');

    final c = tag.codeUnitAt(0);
    var list = map[c];
    if (list == null) {
      list = [];
      map[c] = list;


  final branches = <String, String>{};
  for (final c in map.keys) {
    final tags = map[c]!;
    tags.sort((x, y) => y.length.compareTo(x.length));
    final tests = <String, String>{};
    for (final tag in tags) {
      final length = tag.length;
      final escaped = helper.escapeString(tag);
      final id = table[tag];
      final values = {
        'id': helper.getAsCode(id),
        'length': '$length',
        'tag': escaped,

      final isLong = tag.length > 1;
      final template = isLong ? _templateTestLong : _templateTestShort;
      final branch = render(template, values);
      final condition = isLong ? 'source.startsWith($escaped, pos)' : '';
      tests[condition] = branch;

    final branch = helper.buildConditional(tests);
    branches['c == $c'] = branch;

    'O1': helper.isNullableType<O1>() ? '$O1' : '$O1?',
    'tests': helper.buildConditional(branches),
        fast ? '' :, 'tokenize', ['v1', 'v2', 'v3']),
    'type': getResultType(),
  return render2(fast, _templateFast, _template, values, [result]);