getIFrameHtml static method

String? getIFrameHtml(
  1. IFrameElement iFrame

Determines the HTML that is used to compose an iFrame.

dart is tighter about cross domain access if this was javascript you could do document.getElementById('frame').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML


static String? getIFrameHtml(IFrameElement iFrame) {
  final jsIFrame = new js.JsObject.fromBrowserObject(iFrame);
  js.JsObject jsWindow = jsIFrame['contentWindow'] as js.JsObject;
  js.JsObject jsDocument = jsWindow['document'] as js.JsObject;
  js.JsObject jsBody = jsDocument['body'] as js.JsObject;
  String? jsHTML = jsBody['innerHTML'] as String?;
  return jsHTML;