PapercupsIntl constructor

const PapercupsIntl({
  1. String historyFetchErrorText = 'There was an issue retrieving your details. Please try again!',
  2. String attachmentUploadErrorText = 'Failed to upload attachment',
  3. String attachmentUploadedText = 'Attachment uploaded',
  4. String textCopiedText = 'Text copied to clipboard',
  5. String attachmentUploadingText = 'Uploading...',
  6. String enterEmailPlaceholder = 'Enter your email',
  7. String newMessagePlaceholder = 'Start typing...',
  8. String noConnectionText = 'No Connection',
  9. String attachmentNamePlaceholder = 'No Name',
  10. String subtitle = 'How can we help you?',
  11. String loadingText = 'Loading...',
  12. String uploadedText = 'uploaded',
  13. String retryButtonLabel = 'Retry',
  14. String sendingText = 'Sending...',
  15. String imageText = 'Image',
  16. String companyName = 'Bot',
  17. String fileText = 'File',
  18. String sentText = 'Sent',
  19. String title = 'Welcome!',
  20. String? greeting,

This text will be shown if the showAgentAvailability is true and you are online. This text will be shown if the showAgentAvailability is true and you are offline.


//String agentAvailableText;

/// This text will be shown if the showAgentAvailability is true and you are offline.
//String agentUnavailableText;

const PapercupsIntl({
  this.historyFetchErrorText =
      'There was an issue retrieving your details. Please try again!',
  this.attachmentUploadErrorText = 'Failed to upload attachment',
  // this.agentUnavailableText  = "We're away at the moment.",
  this.attachmentUploadedText = 'Attachment uploaded',
  this.textCopiedText = 'Text copied to clipboard',
  this.attachmentUploadingText = 'Uploading...',
  this.enterEmailPlaceholder = 'Enter your email',
  // this.agentAvailableText = "We're available.",
  this.newMessagePlaceholder = 'Start typing...',
  this.noConnectionText = 'No Connection',
  this.attachmentNamePlaceholder = 'No Name',
  this.subtitle = 'How can we help you?',
  this.loadingText = 'Loading...',
  this.uploadedText = 'uploaded',
  this.retryButtonLabel = 'Retry',
  this.sendingText = 'Sending...',
  this.imageText = 'Image',
  this.companyName = 'Bot',
  this.fileText = 'File',
  this.sentText = 'Sent',
  this.title = 'Welcome!',