asTrimmedOutput property

String asTrimmedOutput

Return the line-concatenated output of stdout and stderr (both converted to String), with limits on individual line lengths and total lines. Total length should not be more than 4KiB.


String get asTrimmedOutput {
  String trimLine(String line) =>
      line.length > 200 ? '${line.substring(0, 195)}[...]' : line;

  Iterable<String> firstFewLines(String type, String output) sync* {
    if (output.isEmpty) return;
    yield '$type:';
    final lines = const LineSplitter().convert(output);
    if (lines.length <= 10) {
    } else {
      yield* lines.take(10).map(trimLine);
      yield '[${lines.length - 10} more lines]';

  return [
    ...firstFewLines('OUT', stdout.asString.trim()),
    ...firstFewLines('ERR', stderr.asString.trim()),