convert static method

Future<Paisa> convert({
  1. required Currency from,
  2. required Currency to,
  3. required double amount,

Converts the given amount from one currency to another.
Returns Paisa object with the converted amount.

  • from is the Currency to convert from.
  • to is the Currency enum to convert to.
  • amount is the amount to convert.

Currency enum is used to specify the currency.
Returns the converted amount.

Throws ArgumentError if amount is null or less than 0.

CurrencyConvertor().convert(Currency.USD, Currency.INR, 100);


static Future<Paisa> convert({
  required Currency from,
  required Currency to,
  required double amount,
}) async {
  try {
    final rate = await _getConversionRate(,, amount);

    return Paisa(amount: amount, rate: rate, from: from, to: to);
  } catch (e) {