search method

void search({
  1. bool searchIfEmpty = false,

searches for the content inside the searchController resets all the other class variables such as items, hasNoMoreItems, and page


void search({
  bool searchIfEmpty = false,
}) async {
  if (query.isEmpty && !searchIfEmpty) {
    // if the search is empty, just show them the current items, no need to search
    state =;

  state = const PaginatedState.loading();

  String savedQuery = query;
  // debounce search if this function is called within the given timeframe
  await Future.delayed(debounceDuration);

  if (savedQuery != query) {
    // there was another search issued, we will complete the other search and skip this one
    debugPrint('debounced search $savedQuery');

  // resetting the variables for this new search
  hasNoMoreItems = false;
  page = 1;
