fetchNextBatch method

Future<void> fetchNextBatch({
  1. int addToPage = 1,

Fetch the next set of items from the same search addToPage is 0 when you call init since it shouldn't increase the page count you are querying the first page


Future<void> fetchNextBatch({int addToPage = 1}) async {
  if (_timer?.isActive == true) {
    // already processing another request


  if (hasNoMoreItems) {
  } else if (state == PaginatedState.onGoingLoading(items)) {

  debugPrint('fetchNextBatch $query');
  // use the same query to fetch the next items in search
  // show ongoing loading
  state = PaginatedState.onGoingLoading(items);
  // increase the page number
  page += addToPage;
