drawStar static method

Path drawStar(
  1. Size size

A custom Path to paint stars.


static Path drawStar(Size size) {
  // Method to convert degree to radians
  double degToRad(double deg) => deg * (pi / 180.0);

  const numberOfPoints = 5;
  final halfWidth = size.width / 2;
  final externalRadius = halfWidth;
  final internalRadius = halfWidth / 2.5;
  final degreesPerStep = degToRad(360 / numberOfPoints);
  final halfDegreesPerStep = degreesPerStep / 2;
  final path = Path();
  final fullAngle = degToRad(360);
  path.moveTo(size.width, halfWidth);

  for (double step = 0; step < fullAngle; step += degreesPerStep) {
    path.lineTo(halfWidth + externalRadius * cos(step),
        halfWidth + externalRadius * sin(step));
    path.lineTo(halfWidth + internalRadius * cos(step + halfDegreesPerStep),
        halfWidth + internalRadius * sin(step + halfDegreesPerStep));
  return path;