Page Flip Builder

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A custom Flutter widget that enables interactive page-flip transitions in your app.

You can use this to flip images, cards, or widgets of any size.


Page Flip screenshots

Card Flip screenshots

Also see the Flutter Web Live Preview.


Note: This package uses null-safety.

PageFlipBuilder is best used for full-screen page-flip transitions, but works with widgets of any size as long as their width and height is not unbounded.

PageFlipBuilder uses a drag gesture to interactively transition between a "front" and a "back" widget. These are specified with the frontBuilder and backBuilder arguments:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Container(
        // add a black background to prevent flickering on Android when the page flips
        child: PageFlipBuilder(
          frontBuilder: (_) => LightHomePage(),
          backBuilder: (_) => DarkHomePage(),

By defalt the flip happens along the vertical axis, but you can change the flipAxis to Axis.horizontal if you want.

For more control, you can also add a GlobalKey<PageFlipBuilderState> and programmatically flip the page with a callback-based API:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // used to flip the page programmatically
  final pageFlipKey = GlobalKey<PageFlipBuilderState>();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Container(
        // add a black background to prevent flickering on Android when the page flips
        child: PageFlipBuilder(
          key: pageFlipKey,
          frontBuilder: (_) => LightHomePage(
            onFlip: () => pageFlipKey.currentState?.flip(),
          backBuilder: (_) => DarkHomePage(
            onFlip: () => pageFlipKey.currentState?.flip(),
          // flip the axis to horizontal
          flipAxis: Axis.horizontal,
          // customize tilt value
          maxTilt: 0.003,
          // customize scale
          maxScale: 0.2,
          // be notified when the flip has completed
          onFlipComplete: (isFrontSide) => print('isFrontSide: $isFrontSide'),


  • Interactive flip transition using drag gestures (forward and reverse)
  • Fling animation to complete the transition on drag release
  • Flip page programmatically via callbacks
  • Flip around the horizontal or vertical axis
  • Flip widgets of any size
  • Customizable flip duration, tilt, scale


