synchronizePages<T, K extends Comparable<K>>(Page<T> source, Page<T> target, K keyFn(T item), {Future<bool> onlySource(T item)?, Future<bool> onlyTarget(T item)?, Future<bool> matched(T source, T target)?})
→ Future<PageSyncStat>
Synchronize two pages that are ordered with their keys in ascending order.
synchronizeStreamIterators<T, K extends Comparable<K>>(StreamIterator<T> source, StreamIterator<T> target, K keyFn(T item), {Future<bool> onlySource(T item)?, Future<bool> onlyTarget(T item)?, Future<bool> matched(T source, T target)?})
→ Future<PageSyncStat>
Synchronize two StreamIterators that are ordered with their keys in
ascending order.