getEdges function

List<Edge> getEdges(
  1. Directory rootDir,
  2. String ignore,
  3. File pubspecYaml,
  4. List<String> nodes,

Read each Dart file and get the import and export paths.


List<Edge> getEdges(
    Directory rootDir, String ignore, File pubspecYaml, List<String> nodes) {
  var edges = <Edge>[];

  var dartFiles = getDartFiles(rootDir, ignore);

  for (var dartFile in dartFiles) {
    var from =
        dartFile.path.replaceFirst(rootDir.path, '').replaceAll('\\', '/');

    // Grab the imports from the dart file
    var lines = dartFile.readAsLinesSync();
    for (var line in lines) {
      line = line.trim();
      if (line.startsWith('import') || line.startsWith('export')) {
        var parsedImportLine = parseImportLine(line);
        if (parsedImportLine == null) {

        File? resolvedFile;
        if (parsedImportLine.startsWith('package:')) {
          resolvedFile =
              resolvePackageFileFromPubspecYaml(pubspecYaml, parsedImportLine);
        } else if (parsedImportLine.startsWith('dart:') ||
            parsedImportLine.startsWith('dart-ext:')) {
          continue; // Ignore dart: or dart-ext: imports
        } else {
          try {
            resolvedFile = resolveFile(dartFile, parsedImportLine);
          } catch (e) {
            resolvedFile = null;

        // Only add dart files that exist--account for imports inside strings, comments, etc.
        if (resolvedFile != null &&
            resolvedFile.existsSync() &&
            isWithin(rootDir.path, resolvedFile.path) &&
            resolvedFile.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
          var to = resolvedFile.path
              .replaceFirst(rootDir.path, '')
              .replaceAll('\\', '/');
          // No self loops
          if (from != to) {
            // Only add edges to nodes that exist
            if (nodes.contains(to)) {
              edges.add(Edge(from, to,
                  directive: line.startsWith('import')
                      ? Directive.import
                      : Directive.export));
  return edges;