Request constructor

  1. Container container,
  2. String tag,
  3. List manifest


Request(Container container, String tag, List<dynamic> manifest) :
        id = '${container.filename}${validName(tag, firstCapital: true)}Request'.hashCode,
        responseId = '${container.filename}${validName(tag, firstCapital: true)}Response'.hashCode,
        responseName = '${validName(tag, firstCapital: true)}Response',
        super(container, tag, '${validName(tag, firstCapital: true)}Request', manifest) {
    if (isReserved(name)) {
        throw Exception('Request node "$tag" in ${container.filename}.json is resulted with the name "$name", which is reserved by Dart language.');
    if (isReserved(responseName)) {
        throw Exception('Response node "$tag" in ${container.filename}.json is resulted with the name "$responseName", which is reserved by Dart language.');
    responseObject = Object(container, '${tag}_response', manifest.last as Map<String, dynamic>, id: responseId);
    requestObject = Object(container, '${tag}_request', manifest.first as Map<String, dynamic>, id: id, response: responseObject);
    if (responseObject.inheritTag.isNotEmpty || requestObject.inheritTag.isNotEmpty) {
        throw Exception('Request node "$tag" in ${container.filename}.json can not be inherited from any other node.');