main function

void main(
  1. List<String> args


void main(List<String> args) {
	final String dirPath = Directory.current.path + (args.isEmpty ? '' : '/${args[0]}');
	final String outPath = Directory.current.path + (args.length < 2 ? '' : '/${args[1]}');
	final bool isTest = (args.length < 3 ? '' : args[2]) == '--test';
	final Directory dirDir = Directory(dirPath);
	final Directory outDir = Directory(outPath);
	final List<FileSystemEntity> files = <FileSystemEntity>[];
	final RegExp reJson = RegExp(r'\.json$');
	final RegExp reName = RegExp(r'.+[\/\\](.+?)\.json$');

	try {
		if (!dirDir.existsSync()) fatal('Path not found: $dirPath', test: isTest);
		if (!outDir.existsSync()) outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
	catch (err) {
		fatal('Unable to process files: $err', test: isTest);

	final List<Node> nodes = <Node>[];
	final int count = files.where((FileSystemEntity file) => reJson.hasMatch(file.path)).length;
	print('Found $count JSON manifest files in $dirPath');
	print('Output path: $outPath');

	for (final FileSystemEntity file in files) {
		if (!reJson.hasMatch(file.path)) continue;
		final String filename = reName.firstMatch(file.path)!.group(1)!;
		late String json;
		try {
			json = File(file.path).readAsStringSync();
		catch (err) {
			fatal('Unable to open manifest file: $err', test: isTest);
		const JsonDecoder decoder = JsonDecoder();
		late final Map<String, dynamic> manifest;
		try {
			manifest = decoder.convert(json) as Map<String, dynamic>;
		catch (err) {
			fatal('Unable to parse JSON: $err', test: isTest);
		try {
			for (final MapEntry<String, dynamic> entry in manifest.entries) {
				nodes.add(Node(filename, entry.key, entry.value));
		catch (err) {
			fatal('An error occurred while reading manifest: $err', test: isTest);
	try {
		final Map<String, List<String>> codePerFile = parse(nodes);
		for (final String filename in codePerFile.keys) {
			if (!isTest) {
			else {
				print('$filename.generated.dart: ~${format(codePerFile[filename]!).join('\n').length} bytes');
	catch (err) {
		fatal('An error occurred while parsing manifest: $err', test: isTest);
	print('All files are successfully processed');