widgets library
- BallPulseIndicator
- BallPulseIndicatorState
- BezierBackground
- Bezier curve background.
- BezierCircleHeader
- Bezier circle footer. https://dribbble.com/shots/1797373-Pull-Down-To-Refresh
- Bezier footer.
- BezierHeader
- Bezier header.
- Build footer widget use IndicatorBuilder.
- BuilderHeader
- Build header widget use IndicatorBuilder.
- Classic footer.
- ClassicHeader
- Classic header.
- Cupertino footer. https://github.com/THEONE10211024/WaterDropListView
- CupertinoHeader
- Cupertino header. https://github.com/THEONE10211024/WaterDropListView
- Delivery footer. https://dribbble.com/shots/2753803-Refresh-your-delivery
- DeliveryHeader
- Delivery footer. https://dribbble.com/shots/2753803-Refresh-your-delivery
- EasyRefresh
- A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load.
- EasyRefreshController
- Controls a EasyRefresh widget. Control refresh, loading and indicator states.
- EasyRefreshData
- EasyRefresh needs to share data
- ERScrollBehavior
- Define ScrollBehavior in the scope of EasyRefresh. Add support for web and PC.
- Footer indicator.
- Find Footer's Location Put the last item in the list it will smartly show Footer
- Footer notifier Footer status and Notifications
- Header
- Header indicator.
- HeaderLocator
- Find Header's Location Put the first item in the list it will smartly show Header
- HeaderNotifier
- Header notifier Header status and Notifications
- ImageTabIndicator
- 自定义TabBar样式 图片
- Indicator
- Refresh and loading indicator. Indicator configuration and widget builder.
- IndicatorNotifier
- Indicator data and trigger notification.
- IndicatorState
- Indicator properties and state.
- IndicatorStateListenable
- Indicator state listenable.
- Listener footer. Listen to the indicator state and respond anywhere.
- ListenerHeader
- Listener header. Listen to the indicator state and respond anywhere.
- Material footer.
- MaterialHeader
- Material header.
- Parameters when EasyRefresh.onLoad is null. Overscroll behavior of ScrollView.
- NotRefreshHeader
- Parameters when EasyRefresh.onRefresh is null. Overscroll behavior of ScrollView.
- Override the Footer parameter. First of all you have to make it clear that this is feasible, otherwise please don't use it.
- OverrideHeader
- Override the Header parameter. First of all you have to make it clear that this is feasible, otherwise please don't use it.
- PageKey
- Phoenix footer. https://github.com/Yalantis/Phoenix
- PhoenixHeader
- Phoenix header. https://github.com/Yalantis/Phoenix
T> - Secondary builder footer.
- SecondaryBuilderHeader
- Secondary builder header.
- Secondary footer. Combine existing Footer with secondary.
- SecondaryHeader
- Secondary header. Combine existing Header with secondary.
- SliverGridDelegateWithFixedHeight
- SliverPersistentHeaderBuilder
- SliverVisibilityDetector
- StaticCachedNetworkImage
- TabIndicator
- 自定义TabBar样式 Round Rectangle
- Taurus footer. https://github.com/Yalantis/Taurus
- TaurusHeader
- Taurus header. https://github.com/Yalantis/Taurus
- VisibilityDetector
- A VisibilityDetector widget fires a specified callback when the widget changes visibility.
- VisibilityDetectorController
- A VisibilityDetectorController is a singleton object that can perform actions and change configuration for all VisibilityDetector widgets.
- VisibilityInfo
- Data passed to the VisibilityDetector.onVisibilityChanged callback.
- VisibilityItem
- WrapperAppBar
- WrapperCachedNetworkImage
- WrapperEasyRefresh
- WrapperImage
- WrapperTabBar
- WrapperTags
- WrapperTextButton
- WrapperTextField
- IconPosition
- IndicatorAlignment
- IndicatorMode
- The current state of the indicator (Header or Footer).
- IndicatorPosition
- The position of the indicator.
- IndicatorResult
- The status returned after the task is completed.
- InputBorderType
- ColorExtension on Color?
- kBezierBackgroundDisappearDuration → const Duration
- Default disappear animation duration.
- kBezierCircleDisappearDuration → const Duration
- kDefaultSecondaryCloseTriggerOffset → const double
- The default secondary close trigger offset.
- kDefaultSecondaryVelocity → const double
- The default opening speed of the secondary.
- kDeliveryDisappearDuration → const Duration
- Delivery indicator disappear animation duration.
- kDeliveryTriggerOffset → const double
- Delivery indicator trigger offset.
- kTaurusDisappearDuration → const Duration
- Taurus indicator disappear animation duration.
double overscrollFraction) → double - Friction factor used by bezier curves.
double overscrollFraction) → double - Horizontal friction factor used by bezier curves.
{required IndicatorMode mode, required double offset, required double actualTriggerOffset, required double velocity}) → SpringDescription - Spring used by bezier curves.
double overscrollFraction) → double -
double overscrollFraction) → double -
double overscrollFraction) → double - Friction factor used by material.
double overscrollFraction) → double - Friction factor used by material horizontal.
{required IndicatorMode mode, required double offset, required double actualTriggerOffset, required double velocity}) → SpringDescription - Spring description used by material.
- BezierSpinBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, double value)
A builder that builds a spin widget.
Animation value. - CanProcessCallBack = bool Function()
- Indicator widget builder.
- CIMessageBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndicatorState state, String text, DateTime dateTime)
- Message widget builder.
- CIPullIconBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndicatorState state, double animation)
- Pull icon widget builder.
- CITextBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndicatorState state, String text)
- Text widget builder.
- EasyRefreshIndicator = Indicator? Function(bool clamping, Color? backgroundColor)
- ERChildBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ScrollPhysics physics)
- EasyRefresh child builder. Provide ScrollPhysics, and use it in your ScrollView. ScrollPhysics will not be scoped.
- ERScrollBehaviorBuilder = ScrollBehavior Function(ScrollPhysics? physics)
- FrictionFactor = double Function(double overscrollFraction)
- The multiple applied to overscroll to make it appear that scrolling past the edge of the scrollable contents is harder than scrolling the list. This is done by reducing the ratio of the scroll effect output vs the scroll gesture input.
- IndicatorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndicatorState state)
- Indicator widget builder.
- ModeChangeListener = void Function(IndicatorMode mode, double offset)
- Mode change listener.
- OnRadiusChanged = BorderRadius Function(double offsetIndex)
- OnShaderChanged = Shader? Function(double offsetIndex)
- SecondaryIndicatorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IndicatorState state, Indicator indicator)
- Secondary indicator widget builder.
- SpringBuilder = SpringDescription Function({required double actualTriggerOffset, required IndicatorMode mode, required double offset, required double velocity})
Build spring with IndicatorMode and offset.
Indicator mode.offset
Indicator offset.actualTriggerOffset
Indicator actual trigger offset.velocity
Indicator actual trigger offset. - TagsItemTap = dynamic Function(int index)
- VisibilityChangedCallback = void Function(VisibilityInfo info)
= Widget Function(BuildContext context, String url, dynamic error, ValueNotifier<
String> networkErrorNotifier)