WrapperEasyRefresh class
WrapperEasyRefresh ({Key ? key , required Widget ? child , EasyRefreshController ? controller , ERChildBuilder ? childBuilder , FutureOr onRefresh ()?, FutureOr onLoad ()?, SpringDescription ? spring , FrictionFactor ? frictionFactor , bool simultaneously = false , bool canRefreshAfterNoMore = false , bool canLoadAfterNoMore = false , bool resetAfterRefresh = false , bool refreshOnStart = false , double callRefreshOverOffset = 20 , double callLoadOverOffset = 20 , StackFit fit = StackFit.loose , Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge , ERScrollBehaviorBuilder ? scrollBehaviorBuilder , ScrollController ? scrollController , Axis ? triggerAxis , RefreshNotifier ? refreshNotifier })
WrapperEasyRefresh.builder ({Key ? key , required ERChildBuilder ? childBuilder , EasyRefreshController ? controller , FutureOr onRefresh ()?, FutureOr onLoad ()?, SpringDescription ? spring , FrictionFactor ? frictionFactor , bool simultaneously = false , bool canRefreshAfterNoMore = false , bool canLoadAfterNoMore = false , bool resetAfterRefresh = false , bool refreshOnStart = false , double callRefreshOverOffset = 20 , double callLoadOverOffset = 20 , StackFit fit = StackFit.loose , Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge , ERScrollBehaviorBuilder ? scrollBehaviorBuilder , ScrollController ? scrollController , Axis ? triggerAxis , RefreshNotifier ? refreshNotifier })
→ double
Offset beyond trigger offset when calling load.
Used when EasyRefreshController.callLoad .
final inherited
→ double
Offset beyond trigger offset when calling refresh.
Used when refreshOnStart is true and EasyRefreshController.callRefresh .
final inherited
→ bool
Is it possible to load after there is no more.
final inherited
→ bool
Is it possible to refresh after there is no more.
final inherited
→ Widget ?
Try to avoid including multiple ScrollViews.
Or set separate ScrollPhysics for other ScrollView.
Otherwise use EasyRefresh.builder .
final inherited
→ ERChildBuilder ?
EasyRefresh child builder.
Provide ScrollPhysics , and use it in your ScrollView .
ScrollPhysics will not be scoped.
final inherited
→ Clip
See Stack.clipBehavior .
final inherited
→ EasyRefreshController ?
EasyRefresh controller.
final inherited
→ StackFit
See Stack.StackFit
final inherited
Footer indicator.
final inherited
→ FrictionFactor ?
Friction factor when list is out of bounds.
final inherited
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
Header indicator.
final inherited
→ Key ?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
final inherited
Overscroll behavior when onLoad is null.
Won't build widget.
final inherited
Overscroll behavior when onRefresh is null.
Won't build widget.
final inherited
→ FutureOr Function() ?
Load callback.
Triggered on load.
When null, disable load.
The Footer current state is IndicatorMode.processing .
More see IndicatorNotifier._onTask
The return value can be IndicatorResult ,
the default processing result is IndicatorResult.success ,
and IndicatorResult.fail when an exception occurs.
When EasyRefreshController.controlFinishLoad is true,
the return value is invalid.
final inherited
→ FutureOr Function() ?
Refresh callback.
Triggered on refresh.
When null, disable refresh.
The Header current state is IndicatorMode.processing .
More see IndicatorNotifier._onTask
The return value can be IndicatorResult ,
the default processing result is IndicatorResult.success ,
and IndicatorResult.fail when an exception occurs.
When EasyRefreshController.controlFinishRefresh is true,
the return value is invalid.
final inherited
→ bool
Refresh on start.
When the EasyRefresh build is complete, trigger the refresh.
final inherited
Header for refresh on start.
Use header when null.
final inherited
→ bool
Reset after refresh when no more deactivation is loaded.
final inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
→ ERScrollBehaviorBuilder ?
use ERScrollBehavior by default.
final inherited
→ ScrollController ?
When the position cannot be determined, such as NestedScrollView .
Mainly used to trigger events.
NOTE: You also need to bind this to your Scrollable.controller .
final inherited
→ bool
Refresh and load can be performed simultaneously.
final inherited
→ SpringDescription ?
Structure that describes a spring's constants.
When spring is not set in Header and Footer .
final inherited
→ Axis ?
Direction of execution.
Other scroll directions will not show indicators and perform task.
final inherited
Static Methods
init ({})
→ void