build method
Builds the top-level Navigator for the given RouteMatchList.
Widget build(
BuildContext context,
RouteMatchList matchList,
bool routerNeglect, // TODO(tolo): This parameter is not used and should be
// removed in the next major version.
) {
if (matchList.isEmpty && !matchList.isError) {
// The build method can be called before async redirect finishes. Build a
// empty box until then.
return const SizedBox.shrink();
assert(matchList.isError || !matchList.last.route.redirectOnly);
return builderWithNav(
// The state needs to persist across rebuild.
key: GlobalObjectKey(configuration.navigatorKey.hashCode),
navigatorKey: configuration.navigatorKey,
observers: observers,
navigatorRestorationId: restorationScopeId,
onPopPageWithRouteMatch: onPopPageWithRouteMatch,
matchList: matchList,
matches: matchList.matches,
configuration: configuration,
errorBuilder: errorBuilder,
errorPageBuilder: errorPageBuilder,