showSimpleNotification function

OverlaySupportEntry showSimpleNotification(
  1. Widget content, {
  2. Widget? leading,
  3. Widget? subtitle,
  4. Widget? trailing,
  5. EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding,
  6. Color? background,
  7. Color? foreground,
  8. double elevation = 16,
  9. Duration? duration,
  10. Key? key,
  11. bool autoDismiss = true,
  12. @Deprecated('use slideDismissDirection instead') bool slideDismiss = false,
  13. NotificationPosition position =,
  14. BuildContext? context,
  15. DismissDirection? slideDismissDirection,

Show a simple notification above the top of window.


OverlaySupportEntry showSimpleNotification(
  Widget content, {
   * See more [ListTile.leading].
  Widget? leading,
   * See more [ListTile.subtitle].
  Widget? subtitle,
   * See more [ListTile.trailing].
  Widget? trailing,
   * See more [ListTile.contentPadding].
  EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding,
   * The background color for notification, default to [ColorScheme.secondary].
  Color? background,
   * See more [ListTileTheme.textColor],[ListTileTheme.iconColor].
  Color? foreground,
   * The elevation of notification, see more [Material.elevation].
  double elevation = 16,
  Duration? duration,
  Key? key,
   * True to auto hide after duration [kNotificationDuration].
  bool autoDismiss = true,
   * Support left/right to dismiss notification.
  @Deprecated('use slideDismissDirection instead') bool slideDismiss = false,
   * The position of notification, default is [],
  NotificationPosition position =,
  BuildContext? context,
   * The direction in which the notification can be dismissed.
  DismissDirection? slideDismissDirection,
}) {
  final dismissDirection = slideDismissDirection ??
      (slideDismiss ? DismissDirection.horizontal : DismissDirection.none);
  final entry = showOverlayNotification(
    (context) {
      return SlideDismissible(
        direction: dismissDirection,
        key: ValueKey(key),
        child: Material(
          color: background ?? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary,
          elevation: elevation,
          child: SafeArea(
              bottom: position == NotificationPosition.bottom,
              top: position ==,
              child: ListTileTheme(
                    foreground ?? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSecondary,
                    foreground ?? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSecondary,
                child: ListTile(
                  leading: leading,
                  title: content,
                  subtitle: subtitle,
                  trailing: trailing,
                  contentPadding: contentPadding,
    duration: autoDismiss ? duration :,
    key: key,
    position: position,
    context: context,
  return entry;