storesByContext property
A Map
of contexts that connected components within the component tree
can use to receive updates from specific stores.
Each context and store instance should be unique. Referencing the context in a connected component is exactly the same as it would with a standard ReduxProvider.
Map<Context, Store> get storesByContext =>
(props[_$key__storesByContext___$ReduxMultiProviderProps] ?? null)
as Map<Context, Store>;
A Map
of contexts that connected components within the component tree
can use to receive updates from specific stores.
Each context and store instance should be unique. Referencing the context in a connected component is exactly the same as it would with a standard ReduxProvider.
set storesByContext(Map<Context, Store> value) =>
props[_$key__storesByContext___$ReduxMultiProviderProps] = value;