manageCompleter<T> method
Ensure that a completer is completed when the object is disposed.
If the completer has not been completed by the time the object
is disposed, it will be completed with an ObjectDisposedException
Completer<T> manageCompleter<T>(Completer<T> completer) {
_throwOnInvalidCall('manageCompleter', 'completer', completer);
var disposable = ManagedDisposer(() async {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
// Log and remove disposable regardless of the outcome of the future.
.whenComplete(() {
if (!_isDisposedOrDisposing) {
// Transform the stream from Future<T> to Future<Null> to allow catchError to exist.
// Without this, catchError would throw a TypeError at runtime.
.then((value) => null)
// Avoid uncaught errors in the event loop spawned by the whenComplete.
// Without this we will see runtime errors in tests and the developer console.
.catchError((_) => null);
return completer;