ResizeSensor top-level property
A wrapper component that detects when its parent is resized, providing a ResizeSensorEvent as a callback argument to ResizeSensorProps.onResize.
Intended for use as a polyfill.
..onResize = (ResizeSensorEvent event) {
Width was ${event.prevWidth}px, and is now ${event.newWidth}px.
Height was ${event.prevHeight}px, and is now ${event.newHeight}px.
// children that will change width / height
If your implementation needs to know what the dimensions of the node were when it first mounted,
ResizeSensorProps.onInitialize can be set, as long as ResizeSensorProps.quickMount is false
..onInitialize = (ResizeSensorEvent event) {
Width was ${event.prevWidth}px when first mounted.
Height was ${event.prevHeight}px, and is now ${event.newHeight}px.
..onResize = (ResizeSensorEvent event) {
Width was ${event.prevWidth}px, and is now ${event.newWidth}px.
Height was ${event.prevHeight}px, and is now ${event.newHeight}px.
// children that will change width / height
The component must be put in a relative or absolutely positioned container.
UiFactory<ResizeSensorProps> ResizeSensor = castUiFactory(_$ResizeSensor);