forwardUnconsumedPropsV2 function

void forwardUnconsumedPropsV2(
  1. Map props, {
  2. bool omitReactProps = true,
  3. bool onlyCopyDomProps = false,
  4. Iterable? keysToOmit,
  5. Iterable<Iterable>? keySetsToOmit,
  6. required Map propsToUpdate,

Adds unconsumed props to a passed in Map reference (propsToUpdate).

Based upon configuration, the function will overlook props that are not meant to be passed on, such as non-DOM props or specified values.

Identical to forwardUnconsumedProps, with the exception of properly filtering DOM props.


void forwardUnconsumedPropsV2(Map props, {
  bool omitReactProps = true,
  bool onlyCopyDomProps = false,
  Iterable? keysToOmit,
  Iterable<Iterable>? keySetsToOmit,
  required Map propsToUpdate,
}) {
    for (final key in props.keys) {
      if (keysToOmit != null && keysToOmit.contains(key)) continue;

      if (keySetsToOmit != null && keySetsToOmit.isNotEmpty) {
        // If the passed in value of [keySetsToOmit] comes from
        // [addUnconsumedProps], there should only be a single index.
        // Consequently, this case exists to give the opportunity for the loop
        // to continue without initiating another loop (which is less
        // performant than `.first.contains()`).
        // TODO: further optimize this by identifying the best looping / data structure
        if (keySetsToOmit.first.contains(key)) continue;

        if (keySetsToOmit.length > 1) {
          bool shouldContinue = false;
          for (final keySet in keySetsToOmit) {
            if (keySet.contains(key)) {
              shouldContinue = true;

          if (shouldContinue) continue;

      if (onlyCopyDomProps && !((key is String && (key.startsWith('aria-') ||
          key.startsWith('data-'))) ||
          _validDomProps.contains(key))) {

    if (omitReactProps && const ['key', 'ref', 'children'].contains(key)) continue;

    propsToUpdate[key] = props[key];