gridcell constant

String const gridcell

A cell in a grid or treegrid.

Cells may be active, editable, and selectable. Cells may have relationships such as aria-controls to address the application of functional relationships.

If relevant headers cannot be determined from the DOM structure, authors SHOULD explicitly indicate which header cells are relevant to the cell by referencing elements with role rowheader or columnheader using the aria-describedby attribute.

In a treegrid, authors MAY define cells as expandable by using the aria-expanded attribute. If the aria-expanded attribute is provided, it applies only to the individual cell. It is not a proxy for the container row, which also can be expanded. The main use case for providing this attribute on a cell is pivot table behavior.

Authors MUST ensure elements with role gridcell are contained in, or owned by, an element with the role row.



static const String gridcell = 'gridcell';