addPropsToForward method

PropsModifier addPropsToForward({
  1. Set<Type>? exclude,
  2. bool domOnly = false,

A utility function to be used with modifyProps to add props excluding the keys found in exclude.

exclude should be a Set of PropsMixin Types. If exclude is not set, it defaults to using the current instance's Type.


Component with a single props mixin:

mixin FooPropsMixin on UiProps {
  String foo;

UiFactory<FooPropsMixin> Foo = uiFunction((props) {
  return (Bar()
    // Filter out props declared in FooPropsMixin
    // (used as the default for `exclude` since that's what `props` is statically typed as)
    // when forwarding to Bar.

Component with a more than one props mixin:

mixin FooPropsMixin on UiProps {
  String foo;
class FooProps = UiProps with BarProps, FooPropsMixin;

UiFactory<FooProp> Foo = uiFunction((props) {
  return (Bar()
    // Filter out props declared in FooPropsMixin when forwarding to Bar.
    ..modifyProps(props.addPropsToForward(exclude: {FooPropsMixin}))

To only add DOM props, use the domOnly named argument.

Related: UiComponent2's addUnconsumedProps


PropsModifier addPropsToForward({Set<Type>? exclude, bool domOnly = false}) {
  return (Map<dynamic, dynamic> props) {
    _propsToForward(exclude: exclude, domOnly: domOnly, propsToUpdate: props);