parse static method

CssValue? parse(
  1. dynamic source, {
  2. CssValue? onError(
    1. dynamic value,
    2. dynamic error

Parse source and return its CssValue representation.

Accepts a number optionally followed by a CSS length unit. If no unit is present, 'px' is used as the unit instead.

If source is not a valid CSS value, the onError callback is called with source and an error object, and its return value is used instead. If no onError is provided, null is returned.

Examples of accepted values:



static CssValue? parse(dynamic source, {CssValue? Function(dynamic value, dynamic error)? onError}) {
  CssValue? handleError(Error error) => onError?.call(source, error);

  if (source == null) return handleError(ArgumentError.notNull('value'));

  final num number;
  final String unit;
  if (source is num) {
    number = source;
    unit = 'px';
  } else {
    var unitMatch = RegExp(r'(?:rem|em|ex|vh|vw|vmin|vmax|%|px|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|ch)?$').firstMatch(source.toString())!;
    final parsedUnit =!;
    unit = parsedUnit.isNotEmpty ? parsedUnit : 'px';

    final parsedNumber = double.tryParse(unitMatch.input.substring(0, unitMatch.start));
    if (parsedNumber == null) {
      return handleError(ArgumentError.value(source, 'value', 'Invalid number/unit for CSS value'));
    number = parsedNumber;
  if (!number.isFinite) {
    // Rule out -Infinity, Infinity, and NaN.
    return handleError(ArgumentError.value(number, 'value', 'Number portion of CSS value ($source) must be finite'));

  return CssValue(number, unit);