valuenow property

  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-valuenow')
num? valuenow

Defines the current value for a range widget. See related aria-valuetext.

This property is used, for example, on a range widget such as a slider or progress bar.

If the current value is not known (for example, an indeterminate progress bar), the author SHOULD NOT set the aria-valuenow attribute. If the aria-valuenow attribute is absent, no information is implied about the current value. If the aria-valuenow has a known maximum and minimum, the author SHOULD provide properties for aria-valuemax and aria-valuemin.

The value of aria-valuenow is a decimal number. If the range is a set of numeric values, then aria-valuenow is one of those values. For example, if the range is 0, 1, a valid aria-valuenow is 0.5. A value outside the range, such as -2.5 or 1.1, is invalid.

For progressbar elements and scrollbar elements, assistive technologies SHOULD render the value to users as a percent, calculated as a position on the range from aria-valuemin to aria-valuemax if both are defined, otherwise the actual value with a percent indicator. For elements with role slider and spinbutton, assistive technologies SHOULD render the actual value to users.

When the rendered value cannot be accurately represented as a number, authors SHOULD use the aria-valuetext attribute in conjunction with aria-valuenow to provide a user-friendly representation of the range's current value. For example, a slider may have rendered values of small, medium, and large. In this case, the values of aria-valuenow could range from 1 through 3, which indicate the position of each value in the value space, but the aria-valuetext would be one of the strings: small, medium, or large.

Note: If aria-valuetext is specified, assistive technologies render that instead of the value of aria-valuenow.



@Accessor(key: 'aria-valuenow')
num? get valuenow =>
    (props[_$key__valuenow___$AriaPropsMixin] ?? null) as num?;
  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-valuenow')
void valuenow=(num? value)

Defines the current value for a range widget. See related aria-valuetext.

This property is used, for example, on a range widget such as a slider or progress bar.

If the current value is not known (for example, an indeterminate progress bar), the author SHOULD NOT set the aria-valuenow attribute. If the aria-valuenow attribute is absent, no information is implied about the current value. If the aria-valuenow has a known maximum and minimum, the author SHOULD provide properties for aria-valuemax and aria-valuemin.

The value of aria-valuenow is a decimal number. If the range is a set of numeric values, then aria-valuenow is one of those values. For example, if the range is 0, 1, a valid aria-valuenow is 0.5. A value outside the range, such as -2.5 or 1.1, is invalid.

For progressbar elements and scrollbar elements, assistive technologies SHOULD render the value to users as a percent, calculated as a position on the range from aria-valuemin to aria-valuemax if both are defined, otherwise the actual value with a percent indicator. For elements with role slider and spinbutton, assistive technologies SHOULD render the actual value to users.

When the rendered value cannot be accurately represented as a number, authors SHOULD use the aria-valuetext attribute in conjunction with aria-valuenow to provide a user-friendly representation of the range's current value. For example, a slider may have rendered values of small, medium, and large. In this case, the values of aria-valuenow could range from 1 through 3, which indicate the position of each value in the value space, but the aria-valuetext would be one of the strings: small, medium, or large.

Note: If aria-valuetext is specified, assistive technologies render that instead of the value of aria-valuenow.



@Accessor(key: 'aria-valuenow')
set valuenow(num? value) => props[_$key__valuenow___$AriaPropsMixin] = value;