valuemin property

  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-valuemin')
num? valuemin

Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget.

A range widget may start with a given value, which can be decreased until a minimum value, defined by this property, is reached.

Declaring the minimum and maximum values allows alternate devices to react to arrow keys, validate the current value, or simply let the user know the size of the range. If the aria-valuenow has a known maximum and minimum, the author SHOULD provide properties for aria-valuemax and aria-valuemin.

Authors MUST ensure the value of aria-valuemin is less than or equal to the value of aria-valuemax.



@Accessor(key: 'aria-valuemin')
num? get valuemin =>
    (props[_$key__valuemin___$AriaPropsMixin] ?? null) as num?;
  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-valuemin')
void valuemin=(num? value)

Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget.

A range widget may start with a given value, which can be decreased until a minimum value, defined by this property, is reached.

Declaring the minimum and maximum values allows alternate devices to react to arrow keys, validate the current value, or simply let the user know the size of the range. If the aria-valuenow has a known maximum and minimum, the author SHOULD provide properties for aria-valuemax and aria-valuemin.

Authors MUST ensure the value of aria-valuemin is less than or equal to the value of aria-valuemax.



@Accessor(key: 'aria-valuemin')
set valuemin(num? value) => props[_$key__valuemin___$AriaPropsMixin] = value;