grabbed property

  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-grabbed')
dynamic grabbed

Indicates an element's 'grabbed' state in a drag-and-drop operation.

When it is set to true it has been selected for dragging, false indicates that the element can be grabbed for a drag-and-drop operation, but is not currently grabbed, and undefined (or no value) indicates the element cannot be grabbed (default).

When aria-grabbed is set to true, authors SHOULD update the aria-dropeffect attribute of all potential drop targets. When an element is not grabbed (the value is set to false, undefined, or the attribute is removed), authors SHOULD revert the aria-dropeffect attributes of the associated drop targets to none.

See: TODO: deprecate


@Accessor(key: 'aria-grabbed')
dynamic get grabbed =>
    (props[_$key__grabbed___$AriaPropsMixin] ?? null) as dynamic;
  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-grabbed')
void grabbed=(dynamic value)

Indicates an element's 'grabbed' state in a drag-and-drop operation.

When it is set to true it has been selected for dragging, false indicates that the element can be grabbed for a drag-and-drop operation, but is not currently grabbed, and undefined (or no value) indicates the element cannot be grabbed (default).

When aria-grabbed is set to true, authors SHOULD update the aria-dropeffect attribute of all potential drop targets. When an element is not grabbed (the value is set to false, undefined, or the attribute is removed), authors SHOULD revert the aria-dropeffect attributes of the associated drop targets to none.

See: TODO: deprecate


@Accessor(key: 'aria-grabbed')
set grabbed(dynamic value) => props[_$key__grabbed___$AriaPropsMixin] = value;