braillelabel property

  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-braillelabel')
String? braillelabel

Defines a string value that labels the current element, which is intended to be converted into Braille.

The purpose of the aria-braillelabel property is to override how assistive technologies localize and express the accessible name of an element in Braille and should only be used when accessible name, without this attribute, when converted to Braille, would not be the desired user experience.

The aria-braillelabel values are localized to align with the document language



@Accessor(key: 'aria-braillelabel')
String? get braillelabel =>
    (props[_$key__braillelabel___$AriaPropsMixin] ?? null) as String?;
  1. @override
  2. @Accessor(key: 'aria-braillelabel')
void braillelabel=(String? value)

Defines a string value that labels the current element, which is intended to be converted into Braille.

The purpose of the aria-braillelabel property is to override how assistive technologies localize and express the accessible name of an element in Braille and should only be used when accessible name, without this attribute, when converted to Braille, would not be the desired user experience.

The aria-braillelabel values are localized to align with the document language



@Accessor(key: 'aria-braillelabel')
set braillelabel(String? value) =>
    props[_$key__braillelabel___$AriaPropsMixin] = value;